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Diane, United States, lost 83 lbs

My story begins at childhood. I was always the overweight fat girl wearing the chubby size clothes. My grandmothers and mother rewarded me and loved me through food. There were always cakes and cookies and other carb snacks and desserts in the house. When I went off to college I discovered all the yummy carb snacks in vending machines-I was in heaven. So of course I gained the freshman 20 lbs.

And then once I got married I followed in my mother’s footsteps and baked all the yummy goodies I had growing up. Every pregnancy added 30 lbs and more. I tested my husbands love by gaining and retaining more and more weight.

By the time my daughter graduated from college I was at my highest weight of 325 lbs. I did not like myself, I was miserable and since Momma wasn’t happy my home life suffered. I was well aware of the disgusted looks by strangers.

I could not ride the amusement park rides since I could not fit in the seats and even walking around the block stressed me. I was holding myself back from a full life. I also developed high blood pressure-no surprise.

On March 3, 2011 during an annual doctor visit I was 263 lbs and told that if I did not lose weight and bring down my cholesterol numbers and blood sugar levels, he was going to prescribe medications. I was also seeing a chiropractor who is also very knowledgable in nutrition and therefore I did not want to take any more medications.

Over the years I had tried many of the popular diets and lost and regained hundreds of lbs. From my highest of 325 I had lost and kept off 65 lbs but I was committed to make a lifestyle change, I asked dear friends to pray for me to find the right fit. Then I saw the Dukan Diet on the Dr Oz show. I thought to myself I could never do that! But several friends decided to try it and were having great results so I thought why not try it. On May 14, 2011 at the weight of 256.2 I made the decision to go for it.

This has been the most important and life changing decision. I found out I was not hungry and I loved the fact that except for oat bran I did not need to weigh and measure my foods. I found the website, signed up for coaching and then starting posting on the Facebook page. There I found support and recipes and acceptance. I cook on weekends for the week ahead. I walk 3-4 miles every day and do some kind of cardio/toning every day-I think I am addicted to exercise.

This has been the easiest diet I have ever done!! I know now that I will NEVER go back to my unhealthy life. I have had incredible support, encouragement and love from my husband, friends, family and my new family of Facebook friends. Now I tell everyone about the diet, many have also become committed to this Dukan way of living. My daughter started Dukan in July and lost 50 lbs thus far. Today I am 177.2 lbs-down 79 lbs!!! and HAPPY!!! I look in the mirror and love ME and love to have my picture taken. I look forward to a healthy life with my husband of 35 yrs, 3 children and 10 grandchildren.

If you have been searching for a way to free yourself, this is it!!

My favorite support Dukan food: shepherds pie, cheesecake muffins, chocolate muffins
My Dukan treat: cream cheese crepes with greek yogurt
My favorite form of exercise: walking walking walking-amazing since before DD I could not walk around the block!
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: you look 10 years younger, you have confidence and carry yourself differently, you are a better version of you
What keeps me going: I am healthier, have more energy, and love myself for the first time ever
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: prepare to succeed, make a plan and work the plan, prepare foods ahead so you always have something when hungry

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