Dans cette galerie de témoignages, vous trouverez des images prodigieuses. Au-delà de la perte de poids, il y a les retrouvailles enchantées avec la beauté. Pour moi, c’est la plus éclatante des récompenses. Je peux vous affirmer, sur mon honneur, qu’aucun de ces témoignages n’est truqué. Tout est vrai. Ils sont là pour vous éblouir et, si vous aspirez à maigrir, à instiller en vous, la force de passer à l’acte. Et si vous avez suivi le régime Dukan et que vous souhaitez partager votre expérience, vous pouvez le faire ici.
Dr Pierre Dukan
Transformation extraordinaire
Tous les témoignages
Milena Ruiz Donatangelo, Brésil, -20kg
Bonjour Docteur Pierre, j’ai commencé Dukan le 28 avril avec 112 kg et à l’heure actuelle, je suis 92 700, avec l’objectif d’atteindre les 70 kg, j’ai 49 ans et je suis très heureux des résultats et encore plus heureux d’une forme de contact. avec vous, votre équipe et les personnes qui ont rejoint un […]
Juliana Smoqi, Albanie, -46kg
Non ho mai pubblicato una foto su questo gruppo che dire quasi 11 mesi di dukan 7 giorni 46 kg persi e stato l’unica dieta che ha funzionato i love dukan ? Je n’ai jamais publié une photo sur ce groupe que dire près de 11 mois de Dukan – 7 jours: 46 kg perdus […]
Jennifer Ballasi, France
Monsieur Pierre Dukan si vous passez par là, je voulais vous dire MERCI ❤ Même si le chemin n’est pas fini et qu’il me reste encore 28 kilos à dégommer ma vie à déjà beaucoup changer ❤
Tom Dida, France, -44kg
Salut a tous ??depuis que j’ai fait dukan j’ai vraiment eu une transformation à la fois physique et mentale, j’ai commencé à 120 kilos et je suis aujourd’hui à 76 kilos , mon visage n’est plus le même (moins gonflé), mon corps c’est enfin affiné ( avec 2 heures de sports par jour) et surtout […]
Elodie, France, -32kg
Coucou a toutes et tous, Petit bilan j’ai commencé le régime Dukan le 4 février 2019 a 102.9 kgs en conso ?( merci a Fabienne ) depuis le 3 juillet avec une perte de 30.9 kgs Depuis la stabilisation 2 kgs se sont encore en îles je suis maintenant a 70 kgs Quel bonheur de […]
Gladys Kout, France, -33kg
4 mois avec dukan début le 19 mai a 155 kilos (oui je suis pas fière ) et aujourd’hui à 121.4 kilos j’ai perdu 33 .6 kilos ( la je commence à être fière même si y a encore du boulot bon les prochaine photo je ferai avec un autre tshirt car il et devenu […]
Virginie Lecoffre, France, -19kg
Je savais que j’étais en surpoids et même en obésité mais je n’avais pas de volonté pour faire un régime. Jusqu’à ce jour où il a fallu que je trouve une robe pour un mariage et l’élément déclencheur fut de me voir en photo dans cette robe ! C’est ma mère qui m’a parlé du […]
Cristiane Costa Luiz, Brésil, -38kg
Eu visto preto …Eu visto branco…Porque o que faz emagrecer é Dieta Dukan.Eu consigo!Você consegue!-38 kg em 1 ano e 8 meses.I love Dukan, Pierre Dukan #Gratidão Je porte noir…Je porte du blanc…Parce que ce qui fait maigrir c’est régime dukan.Je peux le faire !Tu peux le faire ! -38 kg en 1 an et […]
Laurence Godissart, Bélgique, -18kg
Bonjour, je me présente je m’appelle Laurence, j’ai 42 ans, je suis de Belgique, je suis infirmière à domicile, mariée et maman de 2 jeunes filles de 13 et 14 ans. Je suis devenue dukanienne le lendemain de mes 33 ans, je pesais à l’époque 81 kilos pour 1 mètre 68, j’ai suivi une multitude […]
Fernanda Do Coutto, Brésil, -32kg
Houve boatos que eu estaria na pior, se isso é estar na pior eu ainda não sei, mas posso garantir uma coisa só: Unicamente Dieta Dukan ! Sem remédios, sem cirurgia, sem mágica e sem invenções mirabolantes. Quando queremos, realizamos. E realizamos de forma correta, com muita leitura, dedicação, motivação, cumplicidade, orientação médica e nutricional […]
Christine Michel, France, -35kg
J’ai perdu 35 kgs en 2017 en 11 mois…….j’avais pris beaucoup de poids suite à une grosse dépression qui a duré 6 années avec 3 TS….Quand je suis arrivée à 99 kg pour 1m70, j’ai acheté le livre de la méthode Dukan et me suis décidée à m’occuper un peu de moi…c’est un régime qui […]
Smaro Tsatsarounou, Grèce, -67kg
Dr Dukan saved my life. I started Dukan – 1 the 5th of May 2018 and i have lost 67 kilos. My height is 1.60 cm and the Dukan test showed that the correct weight for me is 71 kilos. Now , since June (3 months) i am stuck at 79 kilos. I continue to […]
Michele Petithory, France
J’ai commencé l’escalier le 19 août 2019 puis le classique depuis le 30 août. Je suis à 3,3 kilos de perte . Merci Docteur ?⚕️
Vaso Spasou, Grèce, -57kg
Mon cher docteur, grâce à votre méthode, j’ai réussi à faire ce qui me semblait impossible pendant de nombreuses années. Pas seulement pour perdre tout mon surplus de poids, mais surtout pour le garder !!! Merci du fond du coeur !!! ??
Christel Van den Bergh, France, -10kg
Bonsoir les filles, j’avais envie de vous raconter ma petite histoire sur mon régime Dukan J’ai démarré l’aventure Dukan il y a quelques années, en 3 mois j’avais perdu 18 kilos sans effort , sans faim Mais comme beaucoup , je n’ai jamais été jusqu’au bout à cause de problèmes personnels , j’ai tout repris […]
Luciana Pimentel, Italie, -30kg
Recommencer est difficile, mais le goût de la victoire est glorieux ??????????J’ai fait ce régime merveilleux pour la première fois en 2016, il avait éliminé 30 kg, mais j’ai perdu ma maman et je suis entré dans la dépression. J’ai récupéré presque tout poids, mais j’ai sauvé mes forces et j’ai recommencé en février de […]
Virginie Dumez, France, -20kg
Coucou. 3 mois et demi de régime et -20,300kg en moins. Passer de la taille 48/50 à la taille 42 ?? Encore une petite dizaine et ça sera top. Bonne journée à toutes.
Michelle Marie, Brésil, -16kg
Olhem amigos consegui entrar numa roupa q eu usava quando era solteira e sem filho quando eu tinha meu peso ideal, ainda tenho uma pancinha rs mas ainda preciso perder uns 8k p chegar no meu peso ideal de volta,já perdi 16kg em 4 meses, agora rumo ao 58k rs
Konul Necefova, Azerbaïdjan, -37kg
Veeee nehayet men isdediyime gorunuş isdediyime cekide. Aytan SABİLİ Sayesinde onun desdeyi komeyi eziyyet neticesinde öz irademde olmaqla bele bir netice.1 il 4 aya 37 kq ceki getdi.
Sami Kdra, -22kg
I’d like to share my story with you for motivation, I’d like to thanks Lamice for all the information in her page(دوكان دايت بالعربي أحلى مع لميس) from recipes and all. I started this year my journey with Dukan diet, my weight was 108 KGs and my goal was to get to 65 KGs as […]
Artemis Kouroupáki Pothouláki, Grèce
i thought that it it will be interesting for you (as a doctor) to know about my lab tests before and during dukan diet. My blood sugar levels before diet was 110 – 120 mg/dL and during diet was 75mg/dL !!!! my total cholesterol from 210 was 170 during diet. and the more important for […]
Marianna Gk, Grèce
Thank you very much. Doctor for your diet that changed my life. But a special thank you to the Greek team for the support !!!
Elodie Marty, France
Dans 2 mois cela fera 1 an que j’ai commencé l’aventure du régime DUKAN, aujourd’hui véritable hygiène alimentaire, je dirai même hygiène de vie, merci beaucoup, tellement heureuse du résultat, les résultats sont tellement plus satisfaisant que de satisfaire une envie de gourmandise, bref sensation de satisfaction indescriptible alors encore une fois merci beaucoup ????
Ana Cœur, France, -25kg
Un petit avant/pendant ? -25kg en 1an et 2mois méthode escalier. Je suis plutôt contente du résultat ??
Sofi Cáceres Morales, Chili, -30kg
Hola! Desde Chile ?? empezando la consolidación después de un año de crucero ? en que bajé -30 kilos (66 pounds) Fuerza para tod@s
Kelly Patricia Bauwelz, Brésil
Por mais longa que seja a caminhada o importante é dar o primeiro passo… I love Dukan Gratidão Dr. Pierre Dukan Aussi longue que soit la marche l’important est de faire le premier pas… J’adore dukan Gratitude Dr. Pierre Dukan
Mina Blmçr, France, -30kg
Un grand merci au régime dukan qui a changé ma vie et ma fait prendre conscience de tellement de choses… d’à quel point c’était dur d’être gros et à quel point c’était un combat de (re)devenir soi même. À quel point il fallait jamais rien lâcher, toujours tout donner. 30kg a mon premier dukan et […]
Jonathan Pré, France, -25kg
Bonjour voilà je vous montre je suis à 25kg depuis le 13 janvier Bonne journée à vous tous ce passe dans votre tête
Thomas Ayu Fache, France, -62kg
-62kgs ! Merci à la méthode Dukan ?
Monica D’Angelo, Brésil
boa noite Dr.Pierre que honra poder falar contigo, o criador da dieta que mudou a minha vida. Conheci a Dukan através do instagram onde conheci algumas pessoas que estavam na dieta e mostravam suas refeições e sua evolução e isso me empolgou muito acabei comprando os livros e estou à 2 anos seguindo a Dukan […]
Zoi Argyriou, Grèce
Doctor Pierre Dukan thank you so much!!!I’ m in love with you!!!!!
Sabrine Mosbah, Tunisie, -18kg
Mon avant et après… de 92 kg à 75 kg. Des hauts et des bas, des périodes de stagnation, je déni pas quelques écarts (pas trop mais bien récupérés) Il me reste encore 5 kilos à perdre Je veux bien vous remercier Dr Dukan pour ce régime impécable (moi je l’appelle un style de vie) […]
Dimitra Grigoraki, Grèce
Thank you for the invitation. I Love dukan diet
Claudia Pigatti, Brésil, -22kg
Obrigada pelo convite! 6 meses e 22 kg off. I love Dukan
Anka Dragut, -20kg
Thank you so much For you diet I lost20kg îin 4 mounths. New i feel alive and i’m feel so preety so thank you and bless you for you diet. Your diet is a new chance for me.
Juliana Xavier, Brésil, -20kg
20 kilos em 7 meses seguindo a dieta Dukan
Severine Laboeuf, France, -51 kg
Bientôt la consolidation pour moi (probablement une fois qu’ on m aura enlevé le plâtre en fonction du résultat de la balance) J ai débuté Dukan suite à la fin de mon couple dans le but de pouvoir reprendre confiance en moi. Début du programme en janvier 2017 à 135kg. J ai tout arrêté début […]
Virginie Larbi, France, -35kg
L heure du bilan annuel a sonné…1 an jour pour jour que j ai commencé pour atteindre une perte de 35 kilos??? Ça n a pas été facile mais la volonté a toujours pris le dessus et aujourd’hui je suis fière de dire que j ai réussi ?????? Je suis en consolidation depuis juin et […]
Cobzaru Costel, Roumanie, -71kg
Cinzia Aurelio, Italie
Buonasera dottor dukan anche se non sono riuscita a salire sul vostro treno volevo ringraziarvi per il risultato che ho ottenuto e quello che voglio raggiungere xche sono sicura che grazie ai vostri preziosi consigli raggiungeró. Era ormai tanto tempo che ero scoraggiata dai miei fallimenti fino a che ho conosciuto la vostra stupenda dieta […]
Değişim Serüveni, Turquie
Teşekkür ederim size iyiki varsınız böyle bir diyet sayesinde zayıfladım hiç kalmadan zayıf olmak harika birşey ?
Cristiane Costa Luiz, Brésil, -15kg
Estou na Fase da Consolidação Obrigada Dr.#PierreDukan Quero muito fazer parte do seu livro sera um prazer enorme. Pous te admiro demais e devo minga vida a vcce e esta dieta que mudou minha vida. GRATIDÃO Estpu na Fase da consolidação com 1.69 de alt e 68kg Me recuperando.da abdominoplastia que realizei ha 3 meses. […]
Elodie, Bélgique
Bonjour, J’ai un peu cherché sur la toile ou faire parvenir un message, adresser Au Dr Dukan je présume que celui-ci n’en sera pas le premier lecteur. Mais ça en reste un besoin et j’ai espoir qu’il arrive a destination. Je vais faire une brève présentation, je m’appelle Elodie une jeune Belge avec un parcours […]
Zeyneb Azeri, Azerbaïdjan, -28kg
Happy birthday doctor Dukan?????????I love you very much ❤❤❤ Greetings from Baku Azerbaijan ??? Thank you very very much for all ???98 kg -70 kg and 2 year on stabilization 70 kg ✌✌✌✌✌
Züleyha Köse, Turquie, -22kg
80 kg ile başladığı dukan diyeti ile 58kg a ulasti. Iyi ki varsın Pierre Dukan diyor..
Yoan Mariama, France, -70kg
J’ai choisis votre régime car je suis un inconditionnel de la viande et du poisson, donc un régime où j’ai le droit d’en manger « à volonté » c’était parfait. La phase de démarrage a été très plaisante, perte de poids rapide, pas de sensation de faim … uniquement quelques problèmes de digestions, selon ma femme j’étais […]
Vicki T., United States, Lost 75 lbs
My highest weight was 278.8 lbs and I had been on just about every diet throughout my lifetime, beginning with Weight Watchers in 1965 at 15 years old. I would lose weight for awhile, get bored with the diet and put back all that I had lost plus a little more. Last January (2011) we […]
Veronica Mouti, Italie, -47kg
-47 kg in 8 mesi Grazie Zio Pierre ?
Vera, United States, has lost 63 lbs
But first I took stock of the reasons why I ended up weighing over 270 lbs. I really thought it was important right from the beginning to understand what drove me and really do it for myself because that was the only way for me to remain motivated. I bought the Dukan Diet book and […]
Vania Maggi, Italie, -65kg
Grazie Zio Pierre… 65 chili meno
Valorie, United States, has lost 35 lbs
When my doctor told me I was on the watch list for hypertension, I assured her that I could lower my blood pressure w/o medication by losing weight in six months. As the due date loomed ahead of me, I had only 6 weeks left! But after 5 days on the Attack Phase and one […]
Trisha, United States, lost 32 lbs
I am 57 years old and have had a weight problem my ENTIRE life. All through school I was teased and bullied because of my weight. Food was my comfort. At 18, I weighed 154 pounds and am less than 5 feet tall. When my son was born, I weighed a whopping 181 pounds. I’d […]
Trici, United States, Lost 50 lbs
I started this diet on Memorial Day 2012, on day 191 I hit my personal weight loss goal of 50 lbs. I just knew that I needed to become healthier and stronger. I used to eat carbs all day long but being on this diet has taught me to eat healthier and a variety of […]
Tamara, United States, Lost 50 lbs
Dukan Diet works for me! I started on 10/21/11 at 188.7 lbs and reached 141 lbs on 3/29/12. My True Weight was set at 143, but I have surpassed it. I am in the Consolidation phase until mid-November 2012 and have lost a few more lbs. As of 6/1/12, I weigh 138.1 lbs, which is […]
Sylvia, United States, lost 24 lbs
I first heard about the Dukan Diet by a friend of mine in Spain, she was raving about it. I didn’t think that she really needed to lose much weight. But a year later when I saw her I was absolutely amazed. She looked fantastic and looked 10 years younger. She raved about all the […]
Susanne, United States, lost 43 lbs
I started the diet on Memorial Day and am finally ready to have my first Consolidation celebration meal in time for Thanksgiving. I was never a heavy person until my late 30’s, and then for the past 7 years I just kept gaining weight. I tried Weight Watchers as well as just tracking and counting […]
Susan R., United States, Lost 40 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet on April 22, 2011 at 160 pounds after seeing a story about the diet on Good Morning America. Several years ago before I tried the Dukan Diet, I was able to lose about 15 pounds on the South Beach Diet, but it all quickly came back and then some more! […]
Susan, United States, Lost 30 lbs
About 10 years ago, my doctor scared me with the fact that I was pretty close to having diabetes. I got serious and started working on losing weight and getting healthier. Over a period of 3 years, I lost about 80 pounds and felt great. I maintained that weight loss very well until my mother, […]
Sümeyra Gökkaya, Turquie, -50kg
130 kg ile başladığı diyetinde ilk 15 kg dan sonra dukan diyetine geçmiş sumeyra hanim, su an 80 kg ile dukan diyetinde seyir evresine devam ediyor.
Stephen T., United States, lost 40 lbs
I began the first phase the day after Passover, April 26th, weighing 235 pounds. By June 18th I had lost 35 pounds and began the 3rd phase. Although it was unintentional, I have continued to lose in this phase. I’ve just been advised by a Dukan Support Team Coach to add more starchy foods and […]
Stephanie S., United States, lost 125 lbs
When school resumed last year August 2011, I was greeted by 2 colleagues that had great success over the summer with the Dukan Diet. They encouraged me to read the Dukan book. My standard answer was “I am not ready”. I was thinking, how could I read a book, follow a diet and be successful. […]
Stephanie H., United States, Lost 46 lbs
I have struggled with my weight my entire life. In any room or situation, my thought was always, « I’m the fattest person here. » While I was quite active, I made poor food choices. I would do well for a while then make mistakes and give up. One morning Dr. Dukan was on the Today show […]
Soledad Albrecht, Argentine
Bueno a ver …. la dieta la conocí por una amiga la hice una vez sin la ayuda del couch y volví a engordar ! Lo mismo que había bajado lo había aumentado nuevamente ! no soy muy buena manejando Internet y me daba miedo el pago por Internet pero fue hasta que nos animamos […]
Sina, United States, Lost 30 lbs
Hello Everyone! I’m Sina. I’m from Turkey. Now I’m gonna tell you my story. Well, I used to eat too much food.Specially junk food. I used to drink beer and cola almost 3 times in a day. I used to smoke, but now I don’t do those things. And its not really hard to give […]
Shawn E., United States, Lost 25 lbs
In November 2011 I was in a dead end job and my weight had increased to 150 lbs. I am 5’7″ and had never been this weight except when I was pregnant. I was sitting in an automotive repair shop and read an article about the Dukan Diet, and how Kate Middleton used this form […]
Shari J, United States, Lost 30 lbs
I lost 30 pounds on Dukan and just found out today that my cholesterol went from 219 to 197! Thank you for giving me such an easy diet to follow. So happy! My favorite support Dukan food: oat bran bars My Dukan treat: cookies My favorite form of exercise: eliptical The nicest compliment I’ve been […]
Sevla Ozel, Turquie, -32kg
Iyi günler diliyorum Dukan diyetini 2015 Ocak ayında 110 kilo ile başladım 11 ayda 32 kilo verdim o günden bu yana koruma dayım her şey için müteşekkirim 65 yaşındayım yürüme zorluklarım vardı Kilo verince eklemlerim rahatladı kendimi çok iyi hissediyorum sizinle iki resmimi paylaşıyorum öncesi ve sonrası Tekrar teşekkür ederim.
Selen, United States, lost 28 lbs
I lost 28 lbs. in 2 months. I have 11 lbs. left to lose, but i’m feeling like a superstar and so healthy! Many special thanks to Dr. Dukan and my strong will…Namaste! My favorite support Dukan food: Everything! My Dukan treat: feeling super My favorite form of exercise: Yoga The nicest compliment I’ve been […]
Sasha Semenova, Russie, -70kg
Bonjour, j’aimerai moi aussi raconter l’histoire de ma perte de poids, qui est encore en cours, mais que je vais vivre jusqu’au bout. Mon poids avant le régime était 205 kg. Comme beaucoup de gens je me trouvais mille excuses et je trouvais pas si mal mon reflet dans le miroir. Je connaissais mille prétextes […]
Sarah L., United States, Lost 18 lbs
Having always been thin, I never really had to watch what I ate. But that was before age and pregancies came into play. After my second pregnancy, I still had an extra 15+ pounds that I referred to as my Jared weight (my first born). I would see people who I have known since childhood […]
Sarah H., United States, lost 43 lbs
I’ve found myself in conversations with friends recently saying « I never realized I felt so bad. » I even had a friend say « I never realized your weight bothered you. I always figured you were comfortable with how you looked. » Although I may have outwardly gave the impression that I felt good about myself, preDukan, the […]
Sandy, United States, lost 30 lbs
I have unofficially been a Dukan Ambassador since I began this program on May 9th, 2011! I have loved every day on this program which has given me power, confidence and a feeling of overall better health. Through the years I’ve struggled with the same 15-20 lbs. or more, up and down, to the point […]
Sandi B., United States, lost 104 lbs
In late July 2011, my friend Lucy and I were in the bookstore in Abu Dhabi, where I was living at the time, and I was looking for diet inspiration. My friend Lucy encouraged me to buy the Dukan Diet book in Abu Dhabi, and I did, and I threw it in my luggage and […]
Sam, United States, lost 101 lbs
I was a 308 pound man and really was in good shape for someone 100+ pounds overweight. However my blood pressure was borderline hypertension. My 60th birthday was only a couple of months away and I noticed that all the men that lived a long fruitful life, like into their 90’s, were fit and trim. […]
Sam K, United States, lost 40 lbs
My wife and I started the Dukan Diet on July 5th, 2011. We worked together which helped a lot. We have done each phase together. I lost a total of 40 pounds and am at the lowest I have ever weighed at 185. I feel great and it was very easy and quick. It was […]
Rute Rodrigez, Brésil
Formidable changement, Rute Rodrigues! Bravo, cela me fait plaisir car j’imagine que cela vous rend heureuse. La pensée que j’ai une petite part dans ce bonheur me rend heureux à mon tour. Vous ne pouvez imaginer à quel point cela me touche et m’honore de savoir que des personnes qui ont été capables d’accepter certainement […]
Rosa, United States, lost 10 lbs
I’m 46 year old Mom of one son and had never done any Diet before because people always tell me that I’m petite. The last 5 years living in North America with my own business, I saw changes in the mirror that I became « bigger » & chubbier. No wonder since I’m always busy with meetings […]
Robin, United States, lost 38 lbs
I have been a good weight most of my life without effort. I am 5’2″ and my normal weight was about 120. I never needed to exercise to look fit. At about 45 I started to gain weight. I tried cutting back on food but that didn’t seem to help. I made attempts here and […]
Robert Latham, United States, lost 133
I would just like to thank the Dukan Diet It has changed my life I was 27 and a half stone and have lost 133 lb Today I have just reached my goal weight since June 2014 to 18 stone but may go on to 17 stone Once again thanks I never thought it would […]
Rob V, United States, lost 59 lbs
Having never dieted before I was skeptic about trying. I received excellent coaching and discipline from my wife, and 3 and 1/2 months later, I enjoy doing things again! Thank you, this program really works!! My favorite support Dukan food: all lean meats and seafood! My Dukan treat: oat bran cookies My favorite form of […]
Retta, United States, lost 36 lbs
I was pre-diabetic and my blood pressure was climbing. None of my clothes fit and I was really depressed about how I looked after years of trying to get the weight off. My blood pressure is now in control, with half the dose, but my clothes still don’t fit-most all are too big now! I […]
Regiane Ribeiro, Brésil, -24kg
Antes 96 – durante 72 kilos
Rebecca W, United States, lost 38 lbs
My goal was to lose 20 pounds, but my Dukan « True Weight » chart told me I could lose 30 pounds. I hardly believed it could be true, but I actually reached the 30 lb mark two weeks ahead of schedule!! I must confess I didn’t stick to the all Protein / protein-plus-veggie alternating days plan […]
Rachel, United States, lost 29 lbs
I came across the Dukan Diet quite by accident. I was watching Good Morning America on TV and heard a story about Kate Middleton being on the diet. I was at a point where I thought I was reaching the « point of no return » where I would always be heavier than I wanted to be. […]
Pinar, United States, lost 44 lbs
It was miracle. Since my teenage years I was overweight and I applied many diet programs. I lost several times more than 10 kg., but in 1 or 2 years all the weight came back. Then I gave up, but when I met with Dr. Dukan I did not believe at first that this diet […]
Paula Pedrosa Alcoforado, Brésil, -15kg
Antes com 91kg Agora 67kg
Paula, United States, lost 62 lbs
I first learned about Dukan Diet when it was publicized about the Middleton’s using it prior to the Royal Wedding. I bought the book in hard cover and on Kindle and read it twice before I started. I hit my true weight on my 10th wedding anniversary – what a wonderful celebration! My favorite support […]
Patricia Vieira, Brésil, -11kg
Estou apenas no inicio e 11kg j‡ se foram
Patricia M., United States, lost 20 lbs
I started with the Dukan on-line help on October 18 at 184 lbs. Today I weight 164.8. for me it has been a success as I went thru the holiday season and in the past, I used to put on 5-10 lbs back during the Holiday season. This time, not only did I not put […]
Patricia, France, -70kg
Je m’appelle Patricia, j’ai 63 ans et j’ai suivi la méthode Dukan… Née à 0h30 le 2 mars 1952, avec le poids de : 3 ,790 kg. J’étais surnommée « MARMOTTE »car réveillée à chaque tétée (avalée gloutonnement) avec des arrêts où où je m’endormais avant d’être à nouveau réveillée pour la nouvelle tétée, puis me rendormir […]
Pat J., United States, lost 85 lbs
As of today, I have been on the Dukan Diet for nearly 14 months and I have lost over 80 pounds! While this weight loss method is not for everyone, I must say it has worked well for me! I am near my True Weight and getting ready to shift from the Cruise Phase to […]
Pamela, United States, lost 20 lbs
I am happy to tell you that I have reached my goal weight back in Sept. and completed the Dukan Diet instructions and have stayed 130-132 lbs. since. I have also spread the news to my family and friends and at least (4) of them have followed suit. This is the first time ever I […]
Oksana Kubrina, Russie, -40kg
Avant: 98. Apres: 58.
Nicolas, France
Je m’appelle Nicolas et j’avais besoin de stopper ma prise de poids qui progressait continuellement… Le déclic est venu de mon cardiologue qui m’a prescrit un traitement à vie pour l’hypertension, ayant des antécédents familiaux importants. Pris dans un rythme de vie déréglé, il fallait réagir. A cette même époque ma femme, en surpoids également, […]
Nair Pinheiro Marconde, Brésil, -13kg
Antes 83 kg Depois 70 Kg
Nadejda Novak, Russie, -37kg
Я жалею только об одном-что не начала раньше. Минус 37 килограмм. Спасибо Вам, Пьер Дюкан
Misslheopel Lheopel, France, -30kg
Avant à 90kg, Après à 59.5kg. Cela fait maintenant 5ans que j’ai fait Dukan en suivant à la lettre comment il fallait faire, le résultat est impeccable j’ai perdu 30kg en 1an. Maintenant je suis Maman d’un petite mec de 2ans qqch à rajouter ?? Moi je dis fière de mon par cour en suivant […]
Mireya A., United States, Lost 33 lbs
When I was born, I weighed 12 lbs so all my life I have struggled with my weight but managed not to be obese. I have tried many diets such as Weight Watchers, No-Carb, eating every three hours, etc.and Yes I lost the weight but it kept coming back once I stopped. With the Dukan, […]
Mindy, United States, Lost 70 lbs
I started Dukan as a favor to my mother, who was concerned for my health. As a single mom and sole income for a household consisting of me and my 12 year old Autistic daughter, I NEED to be healthy because I NEED to be there for her.. After losing the first 20lbs, my motivation […]
Michele P., United States, Lost 23lbs
I started the Dukan Diet on January 1,2012 with my boyfriend. I had already had gastric banding performed January 22, 2009 and with the band, it is a tool to help you lose weight. I lost 76 pounds with the band then had to have a hysterectomy. After that I gained 35 pounds and was […]
Michele, United States, lost 30 lbs
My weight has been creeping up since I reached my 40’s and I could not get it under control. For the last 2 years, I trained and ran a half marathon and walked many miles to prepare for the Susan G Komen 60 mile walk. With all that training I was putting on weight instead […]
Melissa L., United States, lost 60 lbs
As a first time dieter, I wanted to find a diet where I wouldn’t worry about starving or my weight rebounding. My husband started the Dukan Diet before me, and got to his weight loss goal of 30 pounds. After seeing his success, I wanted to try the diet for myself. My weight goal was […]
Melis T, United States, lost 65 lbs
I told my story in 5 articles in my blog. https://oncekadinsonraanne.blogspot.com/p/dukan-yazlarm.html Yet they are all in Turkish. I’ve lost 20 kg in 4 months and during summer I sort went crazy, but gained only 3 kg and lost it again. Since the end of August I’ve started again and now the total weight I have […]
Maxine F., United States, lost 50 lbs
I am 65 and have always been slim until the age of 50. I’ve been up and down for the last 15 years. My biggest challenge has been starting and then maintaining a healthy weight. It took me 6 months and reading the Dukan Diet book 3 times before I began. The turning point was […]
Matthew S., United States, lost 85 lbs
I started the Diet in May of 2011 after seeing it mentioned on the Dr. Oz show. My parents both started the diet with me as well. The diet is very simple if you stick to it and have support like I did. I first started by walking 30 minutes a day than loved how […]
Matthew K., United States, lost 116 lbs
I lost 116lbs** while following the Dukan Diet, and I am still losing (still another 30lbs to my target weight). I lost the weight with Constance Dupont, another successful Dukanian. www.becomingshehulk.wordpress.comBoth Constance and I were bullied all throughout our youth for our weight and both feel that was a major factor in our continued gain […]
Marina Pennetta, Belgique, -60kg
-60kg en tout pour tout. merci dr DUKAN! encore 15 petit kg et c’est niquel
Marina, United States, lost 25 lbs
The easiest weight loss I ever experienced! Thank you Dr. Dukan!!! My favorite support Dukan food: Steak My Dukan treat: Goji berries My favorite form of exercise: Zumba The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: I look 10years younger What keeps me going: See above. 🙂 The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Don’t give up […]
Marie, United States, -30kg
Je m’appelle Marie, j’ai perdu 20kg en 4 mois en mangeant à ma faim et surtout sans aucune frustration… Je suis encore surprise de la facilité avec laquelle j’ai suivi le régime Dukan. J’ai été en forme tout le long, pas de fatigue ni aucun problème de santé. J’ai eu un déclic un matin en […]
Marianne, United States, lost 42 lbs
My sister in law and my mother are responsible for my Dukan adventure. They both lost 25 pounds on the Dukan Diet last year. Due to Uterine Fibroids and the adjustment of getting older, my metabolism slowed down, and even though I thought I was working out enough, I gained a total of 35 pounds. […]
Mariana Iosebashvili, Géorgie
Merci beaucoup. Que Dieu vous bénisse!
Margo C., Unnited States, lost 14 lbs
I was overweight in teens and 20’s and ALWAYS struggled with eating disorders, so I changed careers and became a personal trainer and nutritionist. Even with years of following blood sugar-conscious diets, I still, and my clients, too, struggled with quantity we wanted, being satisfied, and maintaing. EVEN ME a progressional. I tried the Dukan […]
Margarita, Russie, -30kg
Cher Docteur, j’aimerais vous exprimer mon immense gratitude, parce que j’ai perdu 30 kg en 7 mois avec votre régime. J’ai toujours pensé que ce n’était pas possible, mais vous m’avez donné un espoir, et maintenant je m’aime encore plus avec mon poids actuel. Merci encore une fois, vous êtes le meilleur.
Margaret C., United States, lost 43 lbs
I started in September 2012 and wanted to lose 20 lbs. By Thanksgiving I lost 23 lbs. Then I just continued to lose weight until I stopped at about 43 lbs loss. I was a size 14 for over 15 years and now I am size 8. Nine months and I continue to keep it […]
Marco Bonanno, France, -92kg
92 kilos perdu grâce à être méthode… vous avez changé ma vie… merci
Marcia Rosa, Brésil, -21kg
Antes 85 kg Depois 64 kilos e super feliz
Lucile, France, -30kg
Je m’appelle Lucile alias luna78800 sur le forum, j’ai 24 ans. Il me tenait à cœur de vous faire part de mon expérience avec le régime DUKAN … Pour moi, tout a commencé vers l’âge de 6/7 ans. Depuis cet âge, j’ai toujours été boulotte ! Puis, à l’adolescence, j’ai commencé une succession de régimes, […]
Luciene Mattos, Brésil, -13kg
Em 6 meses, j‡ perdi 13 kg
Lucie Dias Do Amaral, Brésil, -40kg
Só prá não deixar cair no esquecimento e pra lembrar q carboidrato NUNCA MAIS ….alguns « antes e durante » …pq o « depois » ainda tá longe kkkk REGARDEZ VOUS, DR. Pierre Dukan … MERCI, MERCI, MERCI… Un an après votre méthode et 40 kg de moins … très heureux! Que Dieu vous bènisse!!!
Louchia Caleta, France, -51kg
Toujours connu le souci de surpoids durant toute mon enfance et mon adolescence j’ai toujours du faire très attention à mon alimentation. En septembre 2014 suite à une dépression … après 3 grossesses…je suis monté au poids le plus haut que je n’avais jamais fait jusque-là : 111kilo. Déclic un soir devant mon miroir j’ai […]
Lorna C., United States, Lost 60 lbs
Lost the first 40 pounds easily and a little tougher with the next 20. Have 20 more pounds to lose. My favorite support Dukan food: Oat Bran pancake My Dukan treat: muffins My favorite form of exercise: walking The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: You loom 10 years younger What keeps me going: Wanting to […]
Lori V., United States, lost 90 lbs
My story started on August 21, 2011…my boss who I am fortunate to also call friend at work read about the Dukan Diet in a Womens’ World Magazine,..and knowing how many diets I had tried..encouraged me to try just one more..the Dukan Diet…I promised to give it two weeks ….and ten months later…I am still […]
Lori, United States, lost 60 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet on May 26, 2011 and hit my weight loss goal of 60 pounds on November 11, 2011. After the first three days, following the Dukan Diet was very easy for me. Seeing the scale go down day after day is great motivation. I have been on Phase 3 a little […]
Llais Martins, Turquie, -35kg
107 kg ile başladığı Dukan diyetinde 86 kg ile seyir evresine devam ediyor. Hedefi 72 kg..
Lisa H., United States, lost 51 lbs
All my life, I always had low blood pressure. When I went for preadmission testing a little over a year ago for some minor surgery they told me I needed to get my blood pressure under control before they would do the surgery as it was 185/90. I was shocked! I was also the heaviest […]
Lisa B., United States, lost 8 lbs
I first found Dukan in May 2011. My mom referred me. While I did not have a lot of weight to lose compared to many, I had enough extra weight that was hard to take off and demoralizing to me. When I got married in 2001 I weighed 123 lbs. In May 2011, I weighed […]
Lilian Cristine, Brésil, -12kg
Bizarro 12kg em 6meses, hoje estou estabilizada
Lilian Baire Gago, Brésil, -48kg
Eliminei 48 kg atŽ agora
Laury K., United States, lost 17 lbs
My husband and I started the Dukan diet on July 5th, 2011. We worked together which helped a lot. We have done each phase together even though it meant I was on the phases longer than I could have.I lost a total of 17 pounds and am back to my normal weight of 105. I […]
Laurie Weiheimer, France, -70kg
Monsieur Dukan, grâce à votre livre, j’ai perdu 70 kg en 10 mois. Je suis votre régime depuis 3 ans maintenant et je ne vais pas m’en séparer! Bonne chance à tous!
Despina Chatzigeorgiou, Grèce
Despina Chatzigeorgiou: mon voyage a commencé le 20 janvier 2015 avec le poids de 130 kg. La phase de croisière s’est terminée en novembre 2015 avec le poids de 70 kg. J’ai perdu au total 60 kg. Aujourd’hui, je garde le poids de 70 kg. #régimeDukan
Lale Durukan, Turquie, -31kg
Eylul 2016 da 127 kg ile başladığı Dukan Diyetinde su an 96 kg ile seyir evresine devam ediyor . -31 kg Temmuz ayında 78 kg olmayı hedefliyor.
Ksenia Khripko, Russie, -46kg
115 avant 69 apres
Kimberly, United States, lost 15 lbs
My before picture isn’t the best because I wouldn’t allow photos to be taken of me, but I think I look like I was pregnant. I am 47 years old and 5′ 4″. I had been drinking a popular diet drink for lunch for the past 10 years just trying to lose 5 pounds. I […]
Kim, United States, lost 77 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet on Sept 12, 2011. I finally had enough of feeling so run down and not wanting to do much of anything. I was sick of looking in the mirror and not seeing who I knew I should be. I had always been on the thin side until I had my […]
Anastasia Khromova, Russie
Хочется выразить огромную благодарность Пьеру Дюкану! Это самая лучшая диета из всех возможных! 12 июля был ровно год, как я сижу на диете, сейчас я на этапе закрепления, который проверяет твою силу воли в 100 раз сильнее, чем 2 предыдущих этапа, но я верю, что все получится! Спасибо за улучшеное самочувствие, отсутствие головных болей и […]
Kathy, United States, lost 21 lbs
I needed to lose weight to help get my cholesterol down and wanted a way to lose the weight and keep it off permanently. I accidentally saw a magazine article about Dr. Dukan’s diet and searched the internet to get started until I could get a copy of his book. I found this diet really […]
Katherine W., United States, lost 41 lbs
Graduate school had taken it’s toll on me. Working as a teacher by day, going to school at night, and raising a family everyday, I had no time to take care of myself. I was tired, my joints ached and I had migraines constantly. I was ready to lose the weight. I was wearing a […]
Katerina Touloumeli, Grèce
Hello doctor. I live in Greece and I have been 80kilos most of my life while for the past 6 years I have been 100kilos. I have tried all diets without luck for most of my life. I bought your book last December and followed your advice and today I am 70kilos and it is […]
Karyn R., United States, lost 20 lbs
In my first 30 Days as a Dukanista, I’m down 20lbs and 20 inches!! Like so many others, my weight struggle began after I had children. After being blessed with four healthy children in eight years time, my weight was out of control and I was tired of counting points. At 5ft 8 I tipped […]
Kara J, United States, lost 42 lbs
I decided that enough was enough. I had to lose some weight and regain control of my life. I knew that I had slowly being gaining weight and needed to do something about it. I feel much healthier now! Loving this lifestyle. My favorite support Dukan food: Steak and Shrimp My Dukan treat: Chocolate Mug […]
Julia Poloshavets, Russie, -20kg
Grâce à Pierre Dukan j’ai perdu 20 kg en 1 an et demi. Je pesais 92 kg, aujourd’hui je pèse 72 kg, mais je voudrais en faire 60. Merci beaucoup. Je continue avec vous.
Judy O., United States, lost 28 lbs
I have been overweight my entire life. I have tried and succeeded and failed and succeeded and failed and yo-yo’ed my entire life! The Dukan Diet is the easiest diet that I have ever tried with the best results. The results are quicker than any other diet and I am not a fast loser ever. […]
Judy, United States, lost 30 lbs
After being diagnose with type 2 Diabetes in 10/2010. I was deviated to learn this news, after recovering from double phenumia. for 1 yr I belong to 171 lbs, very depressed, on a cane, develop nerve damage, I was at the end of my rope! my manager told me about the Dukan Diet, which herself […]
Joy, United States, lost 35 lbs
Can you believe it? I have lost 35 lbs on the Dukan diet! I have had it off for 9 months so far and feel so much better. I am nearly 75 years old and doing things I haven’t been able to, in years. I have had 5 hip replacements 2 knee replacements and back […]
Josh K., United States, lost 110 lbs
7 months and 23 days ago I first started the Dukan Diet. The attack phase kept me motivated as I could see immediate results. From there the structure and easy to follow eating plan made it that much easier! I was 150kgs and have now reached my goal weight weighing in just under 100kgs. I […]
Joanna D, United States, lost 46 lbs
I had my son 22 months ago and was stuck in a weight gain rut. Nothing was motivating me. I wanted to diet but always had excuses to wait another week. Until one day I saw my neighbor Pat across the street he looked as if he just melted away. I asked him how he […]
Jessica W., United States, lost 30 lbs
Dear Dr. Dukan, I am doing great! I lost the weight** I was told I would, if I followed the plan, and I have been able to keep it off for over 1 year! Thanks to your coaching*, I look and feel great. I have started doing more exercises with mountain biking in addition to […]
Jessica, United States, lost 40 lbs
On my way to pre-pregnancy (pregnancies) weight… I am a very happy mother of four children, but I am also quite a bit larger than I was in my pre-mommy days. I have kept around ten pounds extra weight from each pregnancy, in addition to extra weight here and there from other life’s circumstances and […]
Jennifer W, United States, lost 50 lbs
I was very overweight, barely exercised and was a nurse, it was hard for me to tell my cardiac patients to lose weight, when I myself was not following my own advice. One of my friends I used to work with had great success with following the Dukan Diet, so one day on a tuesday, […]
Jennifer D., United States, lost 135 lbs
I am living, breathing proof that the Dukan Diet works! I have transformed into the person I was always meant to be; healthy, happy, and excited to get dressed every morning! My desire to lose weight was greatly influenced by my doctor, but not for the reasons you may think. At 237 lbs., I was […]
Jeannie, United States, lost 42 lbs
My weight loss journey started when my size 16 clothes started getting too tight, I knew I had to do something. I surely didn’t want to buy a larger size. I had awful indigestion every time I ate, too. I knew I had to lose weight, but wasn’t sure how. During March I heard Kate […]
Jean, United States, lost 60 lbs
After surviving breast cancer and many post-op complications, I developed lymphedema. This was one of the most devastating parts of my diagnosis. In addition to physical therapy and antibiotics, it was recommended that I lose enough weight to maintain a normal BMI. Many attempts to lose weight in the past were abandoned after a few […]
JB, United States, lost 102 lbs
I have been very over weight for most of my adult life and have never really been motivated enough to do anything about it. After doing the therapy to get over the reasons I turned to food in the first place I still spent about 1.5 yrs continuing to eat the same way, more out […]
Jason B., United States, lost 56 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet on May 13, 2012. A friend of mine mentioned it to me and I checked out the web site, and started right away. I found the diet very easy to follow, and the exercises at the beginning were easy enough to do. Writing this on August 21, 2012, just four […]
Janet, United States, lost 40 lbs
Read The Dukan Diet & hit it off immediately with Dr. Dukan. I started the diet 4/27; breezed through attack & cruise phases (even during 2 vacations). I am nearly through with the consolidation phase & have maintained my current weight over 3 months now. I have gone from size 10/12 to 4/6. The wonderful […]
Jaleh, Australie, -16kg
I am writing from Australia and like to say a big thanks to Dr Dukan for his work on this diet. I am in phase 2 and have lost 16kg so far. I still have to lose another 25kg but people have already said how wonderful i look. My recent blood test result is amazing. […]
Jacqueline, United States, lost 28 lbs
I am age 50, 5’6″ and live in Vancouver, BC Canada. Before I went on the Dukan Diet, I felt like I was helpless and heavy and tired…I had become the grandmother of twins early in 2010, and I realized by Christmas 2010 that I had to lose more weight (I had lost 20 pounds […]
Iwona Bjerre, Italie
Je faite ta régime Ilya 3 ânes avec succès ?
Ilene D., United States, lost 105 lbs
Being overweight has been my lifelong struggle. I have been overweight since childhood due to poor eating habits and bad genetics. When I was turning 50 this year, I had realized that my health needed to be my priority. My blood pressure was elevated and my eating habits and my weight were out of control. […]
Heather, United States, lost 30 lbs
For 10 years now I have struggled with Hypothyroidism. I exercised all the time, tried to eat healthy food and I could still never lose any weight. That was before the Dukan Diet. On June 1st I got The Dukan Diet book and started my journey to not only weight loss, but lots of energy! […]
Hannah, United States, has lost 90 lbs
I started out on this journey at 289 pounds. I had focused so much of my attention on my family and my career that I turned a blind eye to the fact that my own health was in need of some attention. My motto was, « As long as I can find cute clothes in my […]
Greg S., United States, lost 112 lbs
It was October 2010, I was out shopping for a Halloween costume for myself, being a large man weighing 329 pounds I was determined to be a wicked witch. Then the problem, I could not fit in any of the witch costumes I had found. So for the first time in many, many years I […]
Grace G, United States, lost 30 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet at a scary 185 lbs in early May of 2012 and was at a surprising never accomplished 155 lbs by October. I never thought I could do it but I have. Thank you Dr. Dukan. My favorite support Dukan food: Nonfat greek yogurt with Torani coconut and white chocolate sugar […]
Gabriela Amorim, Brésil, -40kg
Objetivo atingido em 10 meses, menos 40 quilos
Furkan Akboy, Turquie
1 ocak 2017 tarihinde 142 kg ile Dukan Diyetine başladı. Su an 97 kg ile seyir evresine devam ediyor. 92 kg ilk hedefine kısa surede ulaşacak. Furkan bey daha once bircok diyet metodunu denemiş. Ancak bir kibrit kutusu kadar peynirle doyamadigim icin devamını getiremedim diyor. Dukan diyetinde porsiyonları kendisi oluşturması ona ilk basta cazip gelmiş, […]
Fiona M, United States, lost 40 lbs
I started the lifestyle change on October 31, 2012 and lost 40 pounds by mid February 2013. I have managed to go through the 3rd stage and keep my weight off. I am 46 years old but feel like a teenager again. I hated being in photos previous to the weight loss but now I […]
Erin D, United States, lost 25 lbs
I have finally found the answer to my weight loss problems and there’s no going back now! The Dukan Diet has freed me from excess weight and I have 100% confidence that I will continue to feel that freedom the rest of my life. I was a chubby teenager, eating my teenage emotions into submission. […]
Emiy S., United States, lost 53 lbs
I am 20 years old. I did the Dukan diet with my mom this summer. We both are so happy and so proud of ourselves. I have always been the bigger kid in school and now that i am a junior in college it was finally time or my to change my ways. I have […]
Emily, United States, lost 85 lbs
I am 22 years old and was heading down an unhealthy path of junk food and no exercise. After 8 months, I lost 85 pounds on the Dukan Diet and most importantly became healthy. My favorite support Dukan food: Green beans My Dukan treat: Fat free yogurt My favorite form of exercise: Belly dancing The […]
Elodie, United States, -28kg
J’ai essayé plusieurs fois le régime Dukan mais sans jamais aller jusqu’au bout et donc en reprenant beaucoup de poids à chaque fois. Mon histoire Dukan… Le 28 février 2012, j’ai décidé de m’y remettre avec une volonté qui m’apparaissait enfin comme solide voire inébranlable. Je voulais perdre 30 kilos. Je mesure 1,60 mètres et […]
Elizabeth, United States, lost 115 lbs
The Dukan Diet has changed my life! My sister Mary Beth told me about this diet. She had lost 60 pounds on the diet and that was about 6 months after having a baby. She is the skinniest she has ever been in her life. I was so proud of her and her results. So […]
Elena, United States, lost 40 lbs
I lost 40 pounds in 5 months. This is the easiest diet I have ever done. I went from size 16 to size 8 and I felt like I got there overnight. I was always too tired to exercise. Now I go to spin classes twice per week at 6:30 am!!I am also taking yoga […]
Elaine Vianna, Brésil, -30kg
As vezes temos que lembrar de onde viemos pra nunca mais voltar. Ninguém nasceu para sofrer, não quero mais voltar pra onde fui o infeliz. Foi difícil achar uma foto dessa época ,pois não gostava de aparecer, sempre que me via nas fotos só olhava defeitos e acabava excluindo. Hoje só vejo resultados, resultado de […]
Ekaterina Ermolenko, Russie, -43kg
110 – avant 67 – apres
Eduardo Silva Dos Santos, Brésil
A dieta realmente funciona
Duggan B., United States, lost 95 lbs
I was one of these guys that really had no care about what i was putting in my mouth. I was young and stupid and between that and a social life with a tad too much partying, I ate and drank in excessive amounts. 5-8 beers with fried pub foods or a quick grab at […]
Donna, United States, lost 45 lbs
For the past 10 years I have been overweight. Back in May I went to the doctor for a physical and found out that my cholesterol was sky high. My bad cholesterol was 300! My sister had just started the Dukan diet and suggested that I do it with her. By the end of October […]
Diane, United States, lost 83 lbs
My story begins at childhood. I was always the overweight fat girl wearing the chubby size clothes. My grandmothers and mother rewarded me and loved me through food. There were always cakes and cookies and other carb snacks and desserts in the house. When I went off to college I discovered all the yummy carb […]
Diana Lenzi, France, -24kg
J’ai 70 ans et avec ce régime j’ai perdu 24 kilos depuis février. Maintenant je suis en troisième et je suis rajeunie au moins dix ans!
Derek C., United States, lost 65 lbs
My husband started the Dukan Diet after I got the book. He has wanted me to go wheat free for a good while. He mastered the pancake and we stocked up on yogurt, egg whites, chicken and he grills often. The Dukan Diet has been great and there is no trouble sticking to it and […]
Debbie B., United States, lost 90 lbs
I was probably one of the biggest yo-yo dieters in the world. I have tried so many diets in my lifetime only to not succeed. I would lose the weight but then regain it right back. November 2010, I started a diet right before Thanksgiving of all times to start a diet. This diet was […]
Davide Monorchio, Italie, -28kg
-28kg! Grazie Pierre Dukan!
Dave H., United States, lost 60 lbs
I started the Dukan diet on Aug 1st, 2011. Today is Nov 7th. I have lost 60lbs. My favorite support Dukan food: Beef vegetable soup. My Dukan treat: Green salads. My favorite form of exercise: Push ups, sit ups and elliptical machine. The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: Whoa, dude, you’re skinny! (from bandmate) What […]
Danielle, Brésil, -17kg
Avant 74 kg, après 57 kg
Dani, Brésil, -62kg
135kg para 73kg
Damian B., United States, lost 104 lbs
For years I have had a goal of losing weight permanently. I lost weight on almost every diet and gained it all back on, and then some. The more I lost the more I gained. It took a while but eventually I heard about the Dukan Diet. I liked the idea of no quantities, no […]
Covy, United States, lost 74 lbs
I’ve always been bigger and my mom had called me big boned. A size 14 through high school and college and a few yo-yo diets made my size go anywhere from a 12 to an 18. I love to go out and drink and part, I’m in my 20’s and my only responsibility is to […]
Courtney K., United States, lost 85 lbs
In September of 2011 I was at my top weight of 230 lbs. I no longer fit my size 22 pants. I was tired all of the time and depressed with my weight. I am a mother of four wonderful children, but was to tired to do anything with them after work. Instead of buying […]
Constance D., United States, lost 113 lbs
Hello! My name is Constance. A little over a year ago I weighed almost 265 pounds. I was 19 years old and uncomfortable in my skin. I had incredibly low self-esteem, in fact, I hated myself. I was always being told by friends and family that my legs buckled while I walked and my legs […]
Claude, United States
Je m’appelle Claude, j’ai bientôt 42 ans et j’ai suivi la méthode Dukan… Envahis par les kilos depuis l’enfance, j’avais déjà perdu près de 38 kilos à 24 ans, mais je les avais repris en 4 ans. J’ai essayé de nombreuses méthodes pour retrouver mon poids idéal cependant il m’était toujours impossible de ne pas […]
Christine Roberts, France
J’étais toujours plus grand que la plupart des enfants. Mes parents étaient contents que je n’étais pas un mordu comme certains enfants, mais cela signifiait que je mangeais tout ce qui était mis devant moi – et généralement c’était beaucoup. Quand mes parents ont divorcé, ma mère s’est réunie avec une autre femme. D’autres enfants […]
Christina D., United States, lost 35 lbs
I was at my mothers home for Christmas 2011 and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and did not even recognize the girl staring back. My personal life was a mess and showed in my appearance. On a whim, I had purchased and read the Dukan Diet book a few months earlier and […]
Cheri D., United States, lost 76 lbs
My life went through so many changes in the past 4 years, the ending of a marriage, falling in love again and the beginning of a new, wonderful life with my soul mate! Also, around this time, the company I worked for, for 21+ years, closed down. For the first time in 30 years, I […]
Cathy O., United States, lost 72 lbs
I never had to worry about weight when I was young – ate whatever I wanted & never gained an ounce. Then I got married & had kids. Needless to say, in the mid 80’s no one told us to walk while pregnant nor any other exercise. I gained with my 1st child, never took […]
Catherine Lejava, Géorgie, -37kg
Welcome. I’m Ekaterine Lezhava from Georgia.I’m forty years old. I want to tell you about my history. 8 months ago my weight was 113.700 kilos. and I had healthy problems. I decided that I couldn’ t continue so and I will need a diet,which willn’ t be create me problems. I had learned from my […]
Casey C. Lost 70 lbs
I started the Dukan Diet after reading that Kate Middleton’s mom Carole had used it. I immediately bought the book, and started the next Monday which was May 23rd, 2011. I think I fell in love with the diet, because such a popular and famous person was doing it. I had tried many diets in […]
Carol, United States, lost 11 lbs
I lost 11 pounds on the Dukan diet. It may not seem like a lot but I struggled to lose any weight other ways. I lost it around the waist and hips going from a size 10 pant to a size 6. It was relatively easy too. The best thing is I lost the weight […]
Carol K, United States, lost 13 lbs
I heard about this diet from my lovely niece. I have always been a diet queen and tried all sorts of diets but of course with major rebounds. By December 2011, I was not happy with my weight. I was getting breathless while claiming short fleets of stairs and yes I needed a new wardrobe […]
Carla Neiva, Brésil, -25kg
Menos 25kg em 10 meses
Brooke W, United States, lost 17 lbs
After slowly putting on weight over the past 7 years, I decided one day that I hated how I looked. It was affecting not only my physical appearance, but my social life as well. With only a few lapses along the way, I made my goal weight 4 days before my prescribed Cruise phase was […]
Brittainy, United States, has lost 63 lbs
It all started after I graduated college and out of nowhere I was offered a theatre job at a high school. I ran their Performing Arts Center and directed all of the students shows. I loved that part…but..then the stress started. Along with that came the stress eating. I hated my job. College life was […]
Brianna, United States, lost 127 lbs
Dukan Diet is not about deprivation, it’s about indulging in exactly what your body needs to thrive! My name is Brianna. I’m 23 years old. I discovered the DUKAN method around May of 2010 when, Marshall Brain, the founder of my favorite website www.howstuffworks.com, blogged about it. He was skeptical, but he decided to try […]
Brenda, United States, lost 40 lbs
I am the mother of eight children and my weight has been up and down for years. My youngest is now 5 1/2 and I felt it was time for a change. My daughters and I started the Dukan Diet on May 13th of this year. As of August 25th I have lost a total […]
Bianca, United States, lost 100 lbs
I’ve always been a chubby girl, but during the pregnancy with my little angel I put on a lot more than ever, so I decided I had to do something about it! So I started looking for information about loosing weight and googled up the best diet and the result was The Dukan Diet! I […]
Bernadette D., United States, lost 77 lbs
I started the Dukan diet on January 14th 2012 as of October 2012 I have lost a total of 77 lb. I used to feel like I was going to go to sleep every night and not wake up in the morning. I am so happy I discovered the Dukan diet it has saved my […]
Barbara Mercantelli, Italie, -21kg
– 21 kg senza mai aver sofferto la fame! Anzi!!! Le sono davvero grata dr Dukan!❤
Barbara M., United States, lost 35 lbs
I have tried every diet known to mankind. Though I’ve had some success at losing weight, I’ve never succeeded at keeping it off…until Dukan. This was the easiest diet to follow and stick to. My favorite support Dukan food: Grilled Beef Filet My Dukan treat: Oat Bran made like hot cereal My favorite form of […]
Aviva D, United States, lost 30 lbs
Having downloaded Dr. Dukan’s book on my Kindle, I began the diet. The funny part was that I really went on a cruise to Alaska during the cruise part. I now have to maintain the 3rd part of the diet until February 1, 20012. It is not as easy as the first 2 stages. I […]
Audrey Cateano, Brésil
Le chemin a pas toujours était facile ..puis un.jour j’ai rencontré un.livre une.methode et à travers ça un.homme ..le.dr Pierre Dukan..et la tout est devenu facile ..la perte de poids rapide ..le bien être plus de fringale. .plus de crise ..juste retrouver son corps ..sa vie ..aujourd’hui j’en ai fini avec les soucis de poids […]
Aude Charnier, France, -60kg
Moi je dis merci Dukan !! Moins 60kg en 1 an et même avec 1 grossesse après régime et bien je suis stabiliser complètement.
Ashley, United States, lost 80 lbs
My fiancé and I have been together for going on 9 years. When we first met, out of high school, we were of normal weight. Throughout time and getting comfortable, we literally GREW together. 🙂 Unfortunately, one day, we both realized that enough was enough. A colleague that I worked with was doing the Dukan […]
Arthur J., United States, lost 112 lbs
Well I was 352 and started the diet and the results were so quick the it made me stick to eat and I ate a lot. This changed my life for the better. I promote this diet to everyone. Started in April and lost 112 pounds. Lost 22 before I started. I should be a […]
April, United States, lost 25 lbs
I’ve been overweight since college. After having my first baby and weighing around 170 lbs for months after she was born, I decided I needed to make a change. Dukan gave me results right away, which was crucial, and was easy to adhere to! I’m 25 lbs down with 18 left to go! My favorite […]
Annie F., United States, lost 125 lbs
On March 20, I was 330 pounds overweight, had terrible asthma and high blood pressure. A friend told me about this diet, and I got the book, not to say, with skepticism and obviously not enthusiastic about the whole idea of dieting. To my surprise, this is not a diet, but a Lifestyle of healthy […]
Anne, United-States, lost 50 lbs
I felt really fat and never wanted to look in the mirror. I was so miserable when I was heavier and now I feel great! I am in fashion and it’s a very hard industry to be in when you are on the heavy side. When I heard about the diet I immediately started it […]
Anna Tchinnova, Russie, -69kg
Anna Tchinnova, -69kg: Cher Docteur, je suis votre régime depuis le 3 décembre 2013. J’ai commencé avec le poids de 169,5 kg, du diabète et de l’hypertension artérielle. Aujourd’hui je pèse 101 kg (je mesure 174 cm). J’ai perdu presque 70 kg. Je suis guérie du diabète, mon taux de glycémie et ma tension se […]
Andy, United States, lost 40 lbs
My wife and I started the Dukan Diet in early September this year at the suggestion of a close friend who had had great success with it. We have both been on diets before and my wife on Weight Watchers most recently, but never really on the same diet and accountable to each other. She […]
Andy I, United States, lost 70 lbs
I have lost 70 pounds in 5 months and have kept it off for 7 months so far. My favorite support Dukan food: oven baked chicken breast My Dukan treat: yogurt with oat bran My favorite form of exercise: Swimming The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: you look amazing What keeps me going: the results […]
Andrey Pakhomov, Russie, -68kg
141-143 kg avant , 83-85 kg après
Andrea C., United States, lost 55 lbs
In 2003 I left my job as a teacher in my home state and moved to a new city with a friend. We were 26 and we were ready to take on the world. I found a job at a local fitness center and had easy access to health, nutrition, and fitness advice. That year, […]
Ana Paula Aparecida Jardim, Brésil, -10kg
Antes 70 kilos e ap—s a Dieta 60 kilos
Larissa Morozova, Russie, -45kg
Moins 45kg. Docteur, vous êtes un homme de l’âme incroyable – attentif, ouvert et amicale! Aujourd’hui, je comprends vraiment pourquoi j’ai reussi a changer avec votre régime. Je suis sûr que vos qualités personnelles jouent ce rôle. En regardant votre énorme capacité de travail, le désir d’apporter aux gens lors des conférences et presentations non […]
Ana Marcela Coronado Rodrigues, Brésil, -13kg
De 73 kg para 60 kg em 5 meses
Ana Jœlia, Brésil, -41kg
Eu consegui emagrecer 41KG em 7 meses
Alline Andrade, Brésil, -19kg
Menos 19Kg em 4 meses
Alicia, United States, lost 20 lbs
45 almost 46 years old… Full time job, mother of 10 year old twin girls………..never been technically overweight but found myself gaining and losing and regaining same 10-15 lbs. Big time caretaker……Wonderful husband of almost 4 years diagnosed with Stage 4 (like you’re gonna die) cancer almost 3 years ago. Devoted myself to years of […]
Adrielle, Brésil, -24kg
Antes 83kg Depois 59 KG
Adriane Tavares, Brésil, -40kg
Consegui eliminar 40kg em 1 ano
Adelmo G., United States, lost 45 lbs
My name is Adelmo Guidarelli and I am a professional opera singer and I lost 45lbs between June 20th and September 12th, 2012 for a production of Sweeney Todd with the St. Petersburg Opera company in Florida on The Dukan Diet. I was cast as Judge Turpin and I was told by the director that […]
John Anthony Estrada, Etats-Unis, -130kg
5 years ago today I used to weigh 500 pounds . It was a prison of my own making. Dr. Pierre Dukan told me if I could keep it off for 5 years, the chances were very good to keep it off the rest of my life. I have met some wonderful people and have […]
Sonia Del Mugnaio, Italie
Natale 2018 versus natale 2017…grazie mille dottor Dukan 2018 versus 2017… Merci beaucoup Dr Dukan
Veronica Bibi, Grèce, -68kg
Thank you doctor Pierre Dukan for being you!For paying attention to our needs and our cry for help!!There are not enough words to describe our appreciation to you and your team!Thank you for being so close to all of us!We love you and support you so much,even though we have never met!136 kilos vs 68 […]
Aleka Andreas, Grèce, -36kg
Keep dukaning Keep dreaming Doctor Pierre Dukan you change my life…❤️ 104 vs 68kg… Don’t give up….