Hello! My name is Constance. A little over a year ago I weighed almost 265 pounds. I was 19 years old and uncomfortable in my skin. I had incredibly low self-esteem, in fact, I hated myself. I was always being told by friends and family that my legs buckled while I walked and my legs and ankles were always in pain. Because of my poor nutrition I had headaches every day and debilitating migraines at least twice a week. My weight was seriously affecting every aspect of my life. I had a hard time shopping for clothes, I had a hard time travelling, I felt different, ashamed, and ugly. Thanks to this diet** I learned to cook for myself. I never went in the kitchen when I was obese (except to make KD or put frozen dinners in the microwave…) and now I spend almost every evening cooking up a storm, trying out new veggies, finding love for old ones. Seasoning and cooking all sorts of delicious food I would have never taken the time to prepare before. I have found a new love of food. It’s really wonderful.
And for the first time in my life I am happy. I am not embarrassed of my weight*** and I love being me. I like going out and having a fun time without worrying about my legs hurting, being tired, or being judged. I can go out and be active without being embarrassed about my weight. I am hardly recognizable; people who haven’t seen me since the beginning of the diet either don’t recognize me or have to double take. They congratulate me on being HEALTHY, and that’s exactly how I feel, healthy! Recently I was called ‘stunning’ for the first time in my entire life. I still have just… the biggest smile on my face just thinking about it. I hit my target weight February 6th 2012 and have maintained my weight loss for over 150 days now (and still going!) Since hitting Consolidation I have fallen in love with the world of female bodybuilding and am training to compete this fall, something I could have never DREAMED of doing at 265 pounds, only a little over a year ago.
Dukan** gave me the tools to lose and keep this weight off for the rest of my life. I now have a better understanding of nutrition, of my body, and of what I am capable of. I want to keep pushing myself to get better and healthier one day at a time. You can always check out my blog if you have any questions: www.becomingshehulk.wordpress.com xoxo
My favorite support Dukan food****: My daily oat bran galette, look forward to it every morning.
My Dukan treat: Dukan Muffins.
My favorite form of exercise: Weight lifting, the heavier the better! 😉
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: Seeing my facebook news feed peppered with people taking the first steps towards achieving a healthy lifestyle. It always brings a smile to my face when people tell me that « You’re my inspiration. »
What keeps me going: The support I have from my readers, my family and friends. Knowing that failure is not an option.
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Don’t cheat! You will do so well if you follow every instruction laid out in the Dukan Diet book. Do it right and make good choices!