After surviving breast cancer and many post-op complications, I developed lymphedema. This was one of the most devastating parts of my diagnosis. In addition to physical therapy and antibiotics, it was recommended that I lose enough weight to maintain a normal BMI. Many attempts to lose weight in the past were abandoned after a few weeks. On August 22, I started the Dukan diet. To date, I have lost 60 pounds. My BMI has dropped from 39.9 to 30. The diet is simple, inexpensive, does not require medications or surgery, and does not leave you hungry. I still need to lose about 35 more pounds and get my BMI to below 24.9 but I think I can do Dukan for life. By the way, I have had NO flare ups of lymphedema since August!
My favorite support Dukan food: Chicken
My Dukan treat: Oat bran
My favorite form of exercise: Walking
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: I look years younger.
What keeps me going: Appearance and health.
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Never get hungry. Eat all you want of allowable food.