Non ho mai pubblicato una foto su questo gruppo che dire quasi 11 mesi di dukan 7 giorni 46 kg persi e stato l'unica dieta che ha funzionato i love dukan ? Je n'ai jamais publié une photo sur ce groupe que dire près de 11 mois de Dukan - 7 jours: 46 kg perdus et c'était le seul régime ...
Fernanda Do Coutto, Brésil, -32kg
Houve boatos que eu estaria na pior, se isso é estar na pior eu ainda não sei, mas posso garantir uma coisa só: Unicamente Dieta Dukan ! Sem remédios, sem cirurgia, sem mágica e sem invenções mirabolantes. Quando queremos, realizamos. E realizamos de forma correta, com muita leitura, dedicação, motivação, cumplicidade, orientação médica e nutricional e amor! Sim, Amor também ...
Vaso Spasou, Grèce, -57kg
Christel Van den Bergh, France, -10kg
Bonsoir les filles, j'avais envie de vous raconter ma petite histoire sur mon régime Dukan J'ai démarré l'aventure Dukan il y a quelques années, en 3 mois j'avais perdu 18 kilos sans effort , sans faim Mais comme beaucoup , je n'ai jamais été jusqu'au bout à cause de problèmes personnels , j'ai tout repris et bien plus encore Il ...
Virginie Dumez, France, -20kg
Konul Necefova, Azerbaïdjan, -37kg
Züleyha Köse, Turquie, -22kg
Valorie, United States, has lost 35 lbs
Trici, United States, Lost 50 lbs
Sylvia, United States, lost 24 lbs
I first heard about the Dukan Diet by a friend of mine in Spain, she was raving about it. I didn’t think that she really needed to lose much weight. But a year later when I saw her I was absolutely amazed. She looked fantastic and looked 10 years younger. She raved about all the foods she could eat and ...
Rute Rodrigez, Brésil
Formidable changement, Rute Rodrigues! Bravo, cela me fait plaisir car j'imagine que cela vous rend heureuse. La pensée que j'ai une petite part dans ce bonheur me rend heureux à mon tour. Vous ne pouvez imaginer à quel point cela me touche et m'honore de savoir que des personnes qui ont été capables d'accepter certainement dans la souffrance de grossir ...
Rosa, United States, lost 10 lbs
I'm 46 year old Mom of one son and had never done any Diet before because people always tell me that I'm petite. The last 5 years living in North America with my own business, I saw changes in the mirror that I became "bigger" & chubbier. No wonder since I’m always busy with meetings from breakfast, lunch, dinner and ...
Retta, United States, lost 36 lbs
I was pre-diabetic and my blood pressure was climbing. None of my clothes fit and I was really depressed about how I looked after years of trying to get the weight off. My blood pressure is now in control, with half the dose, but my clothes still don’t fit-most all are too big now! I feel better physically and feel ...
Rebecca W, United States, lost 38 lbs
My goal was to lose 20 pounds, but my Dukan "True Weight" chart told me I could lose 30 pounds. I hardly believed it could be true, but I actually reached the 30 lb mark two weeks ahead of schedule!! I must confess I didn't stick to the all Protein / protein-plus-veggie alternating days plan during phase 2. I had ...
Pinar, United States, lost 44 lbs
Paula, United States, lost 62 lbs
I first learned about Dukan Diet when it was publicized about the Middleton's using it prior to the Royal Wedding. I bought the book in hard cover and on Kindle and read it twice before I started. I hit my true weight on my 10th wedding anniversary - what a wonderful celebration! My favorite support Dukan food: Cream Cheese Pancakes ...
Patricia M., United States, lost 20 lbs
Mindy, United States, Lost 70 lbs
I started Dukan as a favor to my mother, who was concerned for my health. As a single mom and sole income for a household consisting of me and my 12 year old Autistic daughter, I NEED to be healthy because I NEED to be there for her.. After losing the first 20lbs, my motivation changed. I stopped avoiding mirrors ...
Melis T, United States, lost 65 lbs
I told my story in 5 articles in my blog. Yet they are all in Turkish. I've lost 20 kg in 4 months and during summer I sort went crazy, but gained only 3 kg and lost it again. Since the end of August I've started again and now the total weight I have lost is 29,5 kg (65 ...
Maxine F., United States, lost 50 lbs
I am 65 and have always been slim until the age of 50. I've been up and down for the last 15 years. My biggest challenge has been starting and then maintaining a healthy weight. It took me 6 months and reading the Dukan Diet book 3 times before I began. The turning point was after I saw pictures of ...