Can you believe it? I have lost 35 lbs on the Dukan diet! I have had it off for 9 months so far and feel so much better. I am nearly 75 years old and doing things I haven’t been able to, in years. I have had 5 hip replacements 2 knee replacements and back surgery. But thanks to Dr Dukan’s diet I am stable and active and hopefully won’t have any more joint problems. So thanks again to the team and the Doctor!
My favorite support Dukan food: Chicken
My Dukan treat: Greek yogurt
My favorite form of exercise: Walking
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: « You are just tiny little thing »
What keeps me going: My morning coaching and weighins
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Hang in there And persevere! This diet really works.