I started the Dukan Diet on Sept 12, 2011. I finally had enough of feeling so run down and not wanting to do much of anything. I was sick of looking in the mirror and not seeing who I knew I should be. I had always been on the thin side until I had my second daughter and then my divorce. I didn’t realize how bad I was eating and how much stress I was holding onto. I told myself this is enough and now it’s time to find something that will work for me.
A close friend of mine told me about the Dukan Diet, I’ll admit at first I thought there is no way I can do this, I hate to cook and the time needed to cook was something I just didn’t really have. But I put all negative thoughts aside and told myself I can and I will do this, I need to do this! When I went to the Dukan website and calculated my True Weight it came back as 160, I was holding at 204 at the time and the 160 sounded great, but I knew I could do more as I had been lighter most my life.
Within my attack phase I lost 8.4 pounds and that was enough motivation to keep me going. During Cruise phase I got down to 160 quick and easy and kept going to my goal weight of 145 pounds. Once I hit 145 I jumped into consolidation, scared of what was to come, would that weight come back just as quick and easy as I lost it. I prayed not!
During my first phase of Consolidation I lost another 7 pounds and was told to move to the second phase of consolidation early as I did not want to lose more, I was at the perfect me. I felt great about myself, perfect energy level and didn’t want to lose that. So I am now in my second phase of Consolidation about 1 month early. I love this way of life and wish I would have known about it so much sooner.
My favorite support Dukan food: My morning Oat Bran muffins!
My Dukan treat: Chocolate moose pudding
My favorite form of exercise: Elliptical
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: Wow Kim you look 10 years younger. Or the fact that my 14yr daughter wants to barrow my clothes!
What keeps me going: My love for life and the new found energy!
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Do not give up this way of life works, stick to it and you will accomplish what you have set out to.