45 almost 46 years old… Full time job, mother of 10 year old twin girls………..never been technically overweight but found myself gaining and losing and regaining same 10-15 lbs. Big time caretaker……Wonderful husband of almost 4 years diagnosed with Stage 4 (like you’re gonna die) cancer almost 3 years ago. Devoted myself to years of getting by and focusing on taking care of him, among other responsibilities. Also has heart condition, so suffice it to say, I have been a caregiver and have not taken care of myself for past 3-4 years. Went on hormones earlier this year b/c of hot flashes and other lovely perimenopausal symptoms and gained 15 lbs. in one month.Decided to take charge of ME and my health in April of this year when a friend of mine (who is over a year into Dukan and lost 40 lbs. and has kept it off) introduced me to this wonderful lifestyle.
Never been on a « diet » in my whole life and have always been very physically active. Became obsessed with the book and makes very good sense to me – started end of April . Only had 18 lbs. to lose but ended up losing 20. Found strength emotionally, physically that I can only attribute to this lifestyle. The support I received on FB really carried me through a lot of personal setbacks. I am an almost 46 year old woman and I look and feel better than I have since I was in my 20s and a marathon runner! Thank you God, Dr. D (a close second!) and Purre Barre. My skin is glowing, I don’t have as many perimenopausal symptoms anymore (and no longer on hormones!). A life changing event. Took me a month longer to reach my TW (again, due to a lot of personal issues regarding my husband’s health), but I have never been so committed or focused on ME!!!
Feels good and I am a TRUE success story. Can never thank you, Dr. Dukan and all the friends I have made on the FB site for supporting me, encouraging me. The first thing in a long time I have done FOR MYSELF and it feels good. Life changing………is all I can say! And I am recruiting new Dukaners every day – a living walking testimony!
My favorite support Dukan food: galettes and all the meat – carnivore!!!!
My Dukan treat: anything – never felt deprived
My favorite form of exercise: Purre Barre and walking
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: OMG – what are you doing???
What keeps me going: God, and my commitment to this lifestyle
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Don’t give up – every day is a new day. This works