My goal was to lose 20 pounds, but my Dukan « True Weight » chart told me I could lose 30 pounds. I hardly believed it could be true, but I actually reached the 30 lb mark two weeks ahead of schedule!! I must confess I didn’t stick to the all Protein / protein-plus-veggie alternating days plan during phase 2. I had veggies or non-fat dairy (yogurt, skim milk, or cottage cheese) almost every day and it still worked
I lost 20 lbs. in the first six weeks, and ten more pounds in the next six weeks. It’s been over 4 months now and I have eaten cheese or a small bite of « real » cake or cookie on special occasions in the last month, but I have no intention of ever going back to the way I used to eat. I feel great and look pretty good for someone about to hit the big 5-0! I have become an evangelist for the Dukan Diet…I think everyone who knows me knows about it now!
My favorite support Dukan food: My Egg Beaters omelette (made with oat bran) filled with non-fat cottage cheese
My Dukan treat: Fage non-fat plain yogurt with a packet of strawberry Crystal Light. Dee-lish!
My favorite form of exercise: still trying to find one that I can say I like, let alone consider a favorite!
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: A bunch of new acquaintances were surprised when they learned my age.
What keeps me going: The fact that my « menopause midriff » is GONE!
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: The first few all-protein days are challenging. But after that, I swear, you will not be starving, the plan will not be hard to stick to, and best of all, I guarantee it will work!