I’ve been overweight since college. After having my first baby and weighing around 170 lbs for months after she was born, I decided I needed to make a change. Dukan gave me results right away, which was crucial, and was easy to adhere to! I’m 25 lbs down with 18 left to go!
My favorite support Dukan food: Soft boiled eggs with turkey bacon
My Dukan treat: Oat bran with Sweet’N Low, vanilla extract & cocoa powder
My favorite form of exercise: Carrying my baby everywhere and walking around the neighborhood
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: Have you lost weight?? I can really tell!
What keeps me going: The desire to be a healthy, good looking Mom!
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Stick with it and don’t give up; it will change your life!