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Emiy S., United States, lost 53 lbs

I am 20 years old. I did the Dukan diet with my mom this summer. We both are so happy and so proud of ourselves. I have always been the bigger kid in school and now that i am a junior in college it was finally time or my to change my ways. I have had so many people message me and ask what i have done and i proudly say The Dukan Diet!!

My favorite support Dukan food: yogurt!!!
My Dukan treat: Choc Muffins! (and whipped cream)
My favorite form of exercise: just walking to all of my classes with my phone plugged in jamming out!
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: That my face looked so skinny!
What keeps me going: My mom and my friend’s encouragement!
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: NEVER GIVE UP! You can do it!

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