I came across the Dukan Diet quite by accident. I was watching Good Morning America on TV and heard a story about Kate Middleton being on the diet. I was at a point where I thought I was reaching the « point of no return » where I would always be heavier than I wanted to be. The diet seemed doable so I ordered the book and oatbran, read the book thoroughly and started June 1st. I weighed 163.4….I reached my true weight of 135 on September 22nd.
The last 0.8 pounds HUNG ON for three weeks! What joy I felt when I actually reached True Weight. I am now in consolidation and trying to learn new habits…who knew eating « PV with benefits » would be so much fun? A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Pierre Dukan, the moderators on facebook and the friends that I have made during this journey. Love to you!
My favorite support Dukan food: savory galette
My Dukan treat: chocolate muffins
My favorite form of exercise: right now my « Disco Abs » DVDs
The nicest compliment I’ve been paid: « That D stands for Damn! »
What keeps me going: the sheer joy of feeling good about myself
The advice I’d give to other « Dukanians »: Set mini goals (ie: 90 days…thru the target date…thru the first half of consolidation…and then to stabilization). YOU CAN DO IT!