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Pat J., United States, lost 85 lbs

As of today, I have been on the Dukan Diet for nearly 14 months and I have lost over 80 pounds! While this weight loss method is not for everyone, I must say it has worked well for me! I am near my True Weight and getting ready to shift from the Cruise Phase to the Consolidation Phase. I have ...

Lucie Dias Do Amaral, Brésil, -40kg

Só prá não deixar cair no esquecimento e pra lembrar q carboidrato NUNCA MAIS ….alguns "antes e durante" …pq o "depois" ainda tá longe kkkk REGARDEZ VOUS, DR. Pierre Dukan … MERCI, MERCI, MERCI… Un an après votre méthode et 40 kg de moins … très heureux! Que Dieu vous bènisse!!!