Bonjour Docteur Pierre, j'ai commencé Dukan le 28 avril avec 112 kg et à l'heure actuelle, je suis 92 700, avec l'objectif d'atteindre les 70 kg, j'ai 49 ans et je suis très heureux des résultats et encore plus heureux d'une forme de contact. avec vous, votre équipe et les personnes qui ont rejoint un nouveau mode de vie. désolé ...
Christine Michel, France, -35kg
J'ai perdu 35 kgs en 2017 en 11 mois…….j'avais pris beaucoup de poids suite à une grosse dépression qui a duré 6 années avec 3 TS….Quand je suis arrivée à 99 kg pour 1m70, j'ai acheté le livre de la méthode Dukan et me suis décidée à m'occuper un peu de moi…c'est un régime qui me convient…je n 'ai aucune ...
Smaro Tsatsarounou, Grèce, -67kg
Zoi Argyriou, Grèce
Claudia Pigatti, Brésil, -22kg
Cobzaru Costel, Roumanie, -71kg
Igor Kornelyuk, Russie
Vicki T., United States, Lost 75 lbs
My highest weight was 278.8 lbs and I had been on just about every diet throughout my lifetime, beginning with Weight Watchers in 1965 at 15 years old. I would lose weight for awhile, get bored with the diet and put back all that I had lost plus a little more. Last January (2011) we got a dog and I ...
Trisha, United States, lost 32 lbs
I am 57 years old and have had a weight problem my ENTIRE life. All through school I was teased and bullied because of my weight. Food was my comfort. At 18, I weighed 154 pounds and am less than 5 feet tall. When my son was born, I weighed a whopping 181 pounds. I'd gained almost 75 pounds during ...
Tamara, United States, Lost 50 lbs
Dukan Diet works for me! I started on 10/21/11 at 188.7 lbs and reached 141 lbs on 3/29/12. My True Weight was set at 143, but I have surpassed it. I am in the Consolidation phase until mid-November 2012 and have lost a few more lbs. As of 6/1/12, I weigh 138.1 lbs, which is -50.6 lbs! I think my ...
Svetlana Shakhova, Russie, -26kg
Susan, United States, Lost 30 lbs
About 10 years ago, my doctor scared me with the fact that I was pretty close to having diabetes. I got serious and started working on losing weight and getting healthier. Over a period of 3 years, I lost about 80 pounds and felt great. I maintained that weight loss very well until my mother, at age 92, started to ...
Stephen T., United States, lost 40 lbs
I began the first phase the day after Passover, April 26th, weighing 235 pounds. By June 18th I had lost 35 pounds and began the 3rd phase. Although it was unintentional, I have continued to lose in this phase. I've just been advised by a Dukan Support Team Coach to add more starchy foods and nuts so that I can ...
Sevla Ozel, Turquie, -32kg
Iyi günler diliyorum Dukan diyetini 2015 Ocak ayında 110 kilo ile başladım 11 ayda 32 kilo verdim o günden bu yana koruma dayım her şey için müteşekkirim 65 yaşındayım yürüme zorluklarım vardı Kilo verince eklemlerim rahatladı kendimi çok iyi hissediyorum sizinle iki resmimi paylaşıyorum öncesi ve sonrası Tekrar teşekkür ederim.
Sandy, United States, lost 30 lbs
I have unofficially been a Dukan Ambassador since I began this program on May 9th, 2011! I have loved every day on this program which has given me power, confidence and a feeling of overall better health. Through the years I've struggled with the same 15-20 lbs. or more, up and down, to the point of resignation with the higher ...
Sandi B., United States, lost 104 lbs
Sam, United States, lost 101 lbs
I was a 308 pound man and really was in good shape for someone 100+ pounds overweight. However my blood pressure was borderline hypertension. My 60th birthday was only a couple of months away and I noticed that all the men that lived a long fruitful life, like into their 90's, were fit and trim. Most of all the fat ...
Sam K, United States, lost 40 lbs
Robert Latham, United States, lost 133
Patricia, France, -70kg
Je m'appelle Patricia, j'ai 63 ans et j'ai suivi la méthode Dukan… Née à 0h30 le 2 mars 1952, avec le poids de : 3 ,790 kg. J'étais surnommée "MARMOTTE"car réveillée à chaque tétée (avalée gloutonnement) avec des arrêts où où je m'endormais avant d'être à nouveau réveillée pour la nouvelle tétée, puis me rendormir au plus vite. Des années ...