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Ilene D., United States, lost 105 lbs

Being overweight has been my lifelong struggle. I have been overweight since childhood due to poor eating habits and bad genetics. When I was turning 50 this year, I had realized that my health needed to be my priority. My blood pressure was elevated and my eating habits and my weight were out of control. A friend told me about ...

Greg S., United States, lost 112 lbs

It was October 2010, I was out shopping for a Halloween costume for myself, being a large man weighing 329 pounds I was determined to be a wicked witch. Then the problem, I could not fit in any of the witch costumes I had found. So for the first time in many, many years I did not dress for our ...

Elaine Vianna, Brésil, -30kg

As vezes temos que lembrar de onde viemos pra nunca mais voltar. Ninguém nasceu para sofrer, não quero mais voltar pra onde fui o infeliz. Foi difícil achar uma foto dessa época ,pois não gostava de aparecer, sempre que me via nas fotos só olhava defeitos e acabava excluindo. Hoje só vejo resultados, resultado de 3anos de perseverança, de mudanças. ...

Damian B., United States, lost 104 lbs

For years I have had a goal of losing weight permanently. I lost weight on almost every diet and gained it all back on, and then some. The more I lost the more I gained. It took a while but eventually I heard about the Dukan Diet. I liked the idea of no quantities, no calorie counting, lots of protein. ...

Constance D., United States, lost 113 lbs

Hello! My name is Constance. A little over a year ago I weighed almost 265 pounds. I was 19 years old and uncomfortable in my skin. I had incredibly low self-esteem, in fact, I hated myself. I was always being told by friends and family that my legs buckled while I walked and my legs and ankles were always in ...

Catherine Lejava, Géorgie, -37kg

Welcome. I'm Ekaterine Lezhava from Georgia.I'm forty years old. I want to tell you about my history. 8 months ago my weight was 113.700 kilos. and I had healthy problems. I decided that I couldn' t continue so and I will need a diet,which willn' t be create me problems. I had learned from my friend about Dukan' s diet. ...

Brianna, United States, lost 127 lbs

Dukan Diet is not about deprivation, it’s about indulging in exactly what your body needs to thrive! My name is Brianna. I’m 23 years old. I discovered the DUKAN method around May of 2010 when, Marshall Brain, the founder of my favorite website www.howstuffworks.com, blogged about it. He was skeptical, but he decided to try it himself with remarkable results… ...

Audrey Cateano, Brésil

Le chemin a pas toujours était facile ..puis un.jour j'ai rencontré un.livre une.methode et à travers ça un.homme ..le.dr Pierre Dukan..et la tout est devenu facile ..la perte de poids rapide ..le bien être plus de fringale. .plus de crise ..juste retrouver son corps ..sa vie ..aujourd'hui j'en ai fini avec les soucis de poids je mange de tout je ...

Anne, United-States, lost 50 lbs

I felt really fat and never wanted to look in the mirror. I was so miserable when I was heavier and now I feel great! I am in fashion and it's a very hard industry to be in when you are on the heavy side. When I heard about the diet I immediately started it and my husband also started ...

Anna Tchinnova, Russie, -69kg

Anna Tchinnova, -69kg: Cher Docteur, je suis votre régime depuis le 3 décembre 2013. J'ai commencé avec le poids de 169,5 kg, du diabète et de l'hypertension artérielle. Aujourd'hui je pèse 101 kg (je mesure 174 cm). J'ai perdu presque 70 kg. Je suis guérie du diabète, mon taux de glycémie et ma tension se sont normalisés. Je continue à ...

Andy I, United States, lost 70 lbs

I have lost 70 pounds in 5 months and have kept it off for 7 months so far. My favorite support Dukan food: oven baked chicken breast My Dukan treat: yogurt with oat bran My favorite form of exercise: Swimming The nicest compliment I've been paid: you look amazing What keeps me going: the results The advice I'd give to ...

Larissa Morozova, Russie, -45kg

Moins 45kg. Docteur, vous êtes un homme de l'âme incroyable - attentif, ouvert et amicale! Aujourd'hui, je comprends vraiment pourquoi j'ai reussi a changer avec votre régime. Je suis sûr que vos qualités personnelles jouent ce rôle. En regardant votre énorme capacité de travail, le désir d'apporter aux gens lors des conférences et presentations non seulement l'essence de votre regime, ...