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Rachel, United States, lost 29 lbs

I came across the Dukan Diet quite by accident. I was watching Good Morning America on TV and heard a story about Kate Middleton being on the diet. I was at a point where I thought I was reaching the "point of no return" where I would always be heavier than I wanted to be. The diet seemed doable so ...

Pamela, United States, lost 20 lbs

I am happy to tell you that I have reached my goal weight back in Sept. and completed the Dukan Diet instructions and have stayed 130-132 lbs. since. I have also spread the news to my family and friends and at least (4) of them have followed suit. This is the first time ever I have been able to lose ...

Nicolas, France

Je m'appelle Nicolas et j'avais besoin de stopper ma prise de poids qui progressait continuellement… Le déclic est venu de mon cardiologue qui m'a prescrit un traitement à vie pour l'hypertension, ayant des antécédents familiaux importants. Pris dans un rythme de vie déréglé, il fallait réagir. A cette même époque ma femme, en surpoids également, se plaint de sciatiques à ...

Misslheopel Lheopel, France, -30kg

Avant à 90kg, Après à 59.5kg. Cela fait maintenant 5ans que j'ai fait Dukan en suivant à la lettre comment il fallait faire, le résultat est impeccable j'ai perdu 30kg en 1an. Maintenant je suis Maman d'un petite mec de 2ans qqch à rajouter ?? Moi je dis fière de mon par cour en suivant à la lettre Pierre Dukan.

Mireya A., United States, Lost 33 lbs

When I was born, I weighed 12 lbs so all my life I have struggled with my weight but managed not to be obese. I have tried many diets such as Weight Watchers, No-Carb, eating every three hours, etc.and Yes I lost the weight but it kept coming back once I stopped. With the Dukan, I have learned how food ...

Michele P., United States, Lost 23lbs

I started the Dukan Diet on January 1,2012 with my boyfriend. I had already had gastric banding performed January 22, 2009 and with the band, it is a tool to help you lose weight. I lost 76 pounds with the band then had to have a hysterectomy. After that I gained 35 pounds and was devastated. It felt like all ...

Michele, United States, lost 30 lbs

My weight has been creeping up since I reached my 40's and I could not get it under control. For the last 2 years, I trained and ran a half marathon and walked many miles to prepare for the Susan G Komen 60 mile walk. With all that training I was putting on weight instead of losing it. In December ...

Melissa L., United States, lost 60 lbs

As a first time dieter, I wanted to find a diet where I wouldn't worry about starving or my weight rebounding. My husband started the Dukan Diet before me, and got to his weight loss goal of 30 pounds. After seeing his success, I wanted to try the diet for myself. My weight goal was 60 pounds, and after having ...

Matthew S., United States, lost 85 lbs

I started the Diet in May of 2011 after seeing it mentioned on the Dr. Oz show. My parents both started the diet with me as well. The diet is very simple if you stick to it and have support like I did. I first started by walking 30 minutes a day than loved how I felt and that turned ...

Matthew K., United States, lost 116 lbs

I lost 116lbs** while following the Dukan Diet, and I am still losing (still another 30lbs to my target weight). I lost the weight with Constance Dupont, another successful Dukanian. www.becomingshehulk.wordpress.comBoth Constance and I were bullied all throughout our youth for our weight and both feel that was a major factor in our continued gain over the coming years. I, ...

Marina, United States, lost 25 lbs

The easiest weight loss I ever experienced! Thank you Dr. Dukan!!! My favorite support Dukan food: Steak My Dukan treat: Goji berries My favorite form of exercise: Zumba The nicest compliment I've been paid: I look 10years younger What keeps me going: See above. :) The advice I'd give to other "Dukanians": Don't give up the fight.

Marie, United States, -30kg

Je m'appelle Marie, j'ai perdu 20kg en 4 mois en mangeant à ma faim et surtout sans aucune frustration… Je suis encore surprise de la facilité avec laquelle j'ai suivi le régime Dukan. J'ai été en forme tout le long, pas de fatigue ni aucun problème de santé. J'ai eu un déclic un matin en voyant une voisine qui avait ...